Tag: Nature (journal)
The Displacement Fallacy: Evolution’s Shell Game
In a shell game, an operator places a small object, like a pea, under one of three cups and then rapidly shuffles the cups to confuse observers.
The Technocratic Authoritarians Still Want Their “Pandemic Treaty”
Wouldn’t it all have gone a lot better if, instead of our fellow Americans doing it to us, we’d handed over national sovereignty to an international body?
Weaponizing Science, Journals Indulge in Political Partisanship
I would say the same thing if they abused the name of science to wrap a Republican, or a Democrat, in it.
How “Junk” DNA Got Its Function: Evolutionary Tales Fail to Convince
Earlier this year there was a flurry of stories about how “junk DNA” may explain why humans don’t have tails.
Study Unravels the Mystery of Fish Hearing
The fish directional hearing algorithm appears to be another example of a complex programmed behavior in animals.