Author: Brian Miller
Dennis Venema’s Adam and the Genome: A Case Study in Cognitive Bias
In a previous article I described how scientific training can condition some scientists’ minds to resist the evidence in nature for intelligent design.
Cognitive Conditioning and the Distortion of Reality
After following the discussion about evolution versus design for the past few decades, I have noticed a common trend.
Protein Folding and the Four Horsemen of the Axocalypse
A recent series of critiques, published by the online journal Sapientia, was aimed at Doug Axe’s book, Undeniable.
The Origin of Life: The Information Challenge
Today I will identify the fundamentally different approaches by ID advocates and critics toward assessing evidence.
The Origin of Life: Dangers of Taking Research Claims at Face Value
All simulations that purport to be breakthroughs in origins problems follow the same pattern.