Author: Jonathan Witt
The Search for ET Artifacts Misses the Elephant
Now that NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is fully operational, there is renewed chatter about the possibility of discovering extra-terrestrial life.
The Dawkins Test Returns an Answer: Intelligent Design
Dr. Luskin details the various ways that the rapidly developing field of phylogenomics is uncovering data that powerfully fits the ID model of life’s history.
Evolution’s Tall Tale — The Giraffe Neck
The engineering marvel that is the giraffe, long neck and all, was intelligently designed.
In Pope Benedict XVI, Science Had a Friend and Neo-Darwinism a Foe
That Benedict meant to implicate neo-Darwinism in its flight from evidence is not mere wishful thinking on the part of the design community.
New Book Explores Darwinian Racism, Then and Now
To hear some tell it, Adolf Hitler was a Christian creationist who rejected Darwinian evolution.