Category: Culture & Ethics
So What if We Killed Off the Megafauna?
Among some anti-humanists, a wistfulness for "monsters."
Getting Ready for Russell Crowe as Noah? Read Wesley Smith’s The War on Humans
It’s a commonplace, but still true: Despite its pose as a counterweight to faith, materialism is weirdly like a religion.
All Is Fair in Novels About Evolution and Intelligent Design?
I’ve just read a new fiction book that has won praise from critics, Lauren Grodstein’s The Explanation for Everything.
This Is Vile Even for Jerry Coyne
Sometimes the totalitarianism inherent in atheism doesn’t even run deep: it sits right on the surface.
The Environmental Movement’s War on Humans
"I’ve listened to your stories," says Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, "now I have to listen to the animals."