Category: Culture & Ethics
C.S. Lewis, a “Fiery Prophet,” Not a “Friendly Uncle”
It is the peculiar error of scientism to suggest that science is its own watchdog.
Darwin the Dog Offers 7 Ethical Principles for Kids, Courtesy of American Humanist Association
It feels unsportsmanlike, almost cruel, to make fun of a website like this that is so clueless.
Magician’s Twin Documentary to Premiere on Satellite and Cable This Wednesday
More than a half century ago, C.S. Lewis warned of how science nevertheless could be twisted to attack religion, undermine ethics, and curtail human freedom.
Bluff and Bravado: Sam Harris’s Free Will
Much of Harris’s argument against free will is fueled by assertions — assertions that simply assume what he is trying to prove.
Blue Pill or Red Pill? Sam Harris’s Free Will
Harris and his New Atheist friends like to cast themselves in the role of the existential hero.