Category: Culture & Ethics
Wesley Smith Launches New “Human Exceptionalism” Blog at NRO
No one has done more than Wesley to bring home the very practical consequences, in the most powerful moral terms, of the Darwinian-materialist picture of the world.
Transparent Skin
Our friend the materialist-reductionist-Darwinian apologist PZ Myers has a very brief and lighthearted post with a cute frog, showing that the little creature has see-through skin.
Dragon’s Blood: A Fascinating Detail in the Cover Design of Magician’s Twin
Those readers who have already obtained a copy of the marvelous and insightful Magician’s Twin will notice the fascinating cover design.
American Spectator Reviews The Magician’s Twin: How Evolution Turned the World Upside-Down
The problem with Darwinian evolutionary theory is not just that it’s flawed science or that it fuels corrupted ethical views
The Magician’s Twin Provides a Tour de Force Exploration of C.S. Lewis and His Legacy
The contributors to this volume are to be commended for offering — even amplifying — this prophetic voice to a new generation. The service they perform has never been more important than now.