Guillermo Gonzalez Takes Astronomy Post at Grove City College

Noted astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez, whose academic freedom was trampled at Iowa State University for being a proponent of intelligent design theory, has taken a new teaching and research position as an associate professor in the physics department at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. Grove City College is a completely independent, Christian, liberal arts college that is ranked among some of the best colleges and universities in the nation.   Photo of a solar eclipse taken by Dr. Gonzalez.  

Advocate Newspaper Knowingly Publishes False Information About Louisiana Law Regarding Teaching of Evolution

[UPDATE: Previously there was a mistake in the quote indicating Missouri was the state with the law regarding evolution. This has been corrected to Mississippi.] The Advocate newspaper in Baton Rouge Louisiana today published a front page story about Louisiana’s new law regarding teaching of evolution that contains a completely false statement in the lead. The paper reported an unnamed official stated that “Louisiana is the only state in the nation that has enacted a law that could change the way evolution is taught in public schools.” Louisiana recently enacted the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA) which protects teachers that encourage critical thinking and objective discussion about evolution and other scientific topics. “The reporter at the Advocate was given information Read More ›

Explore Evolution Favorably Reviewed by Kirkus

The groundbreaking textbook, Explore Evolution: The Case For And Against Neo-Darwinism (Hill House Publishers 2007), continues to make inroads in science education. Recently Kirkus Discoveries issued a fair and favorable review of Explore Evolution saying: “through succinct language and extensive use of illustrated sidebars and summary boxes, an impressive amount of terrain is covered in a colorful and lively fashion.” You can read the full review here. Explore Evolution is unique among biology textbooks because it focuses on the evidence and arguments for and against the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution. The book has been carefully structured to help students and teachers weigh the evidence and engage in informed debate. And now there are new companion curriculum materials to help educators Read More ›

Louisiana: Do Forrest and the NCSE Really Oppose Religious Instruction in Evolution?

Reading Barbara Forrest’s impassioned plea on Richard Dawkins’ website against the Louisiana Science Education Act, one might get the impression she opposes injection of religion in biology classes (even though the Act isn’t intended to do that). Indeed, when I followed the link to her Louisiana Coalition for Science “open letter” to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, I found the following statement, with which I agree wholeheartedly: The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is violated when the government endorses a sectarian doctrine. . . On the other hand, Forrest is on the board of directors of the National Center for Science Education.

ABC’s Freudian Slip: Sneaking Evolution into Louisiana’s Public Schools

ABC’s political radar has the most accurate take on the Louisiana Science Education Act yet: And [Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has] just signed a law allowing teachers to foster “critical thinking” about evolution–a law critics said could amount to sneaking the teaching of evolution in the public schools. *gasp!*Imagine that — critical thinking might actually lead to teaching evolution, rather than just indoctrinating students.