What to do in Canada this weekend? See Expelled, of course!

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed starring Ben Stein opens today at theaters across Canada. Visit the movie’s official website at www.expelledthemovie.com for up to the minute news about the film and its Canadian release. Read a review of the film, Break Down the Wall: A Movie Review of “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”, by Douglas Groothuis, The Constructive Curmudgeon. For more information about the movie, more reviews of the film, and commentary by leading scientists and scholars, visit Discovery Institute’s Expelled Explained page. For more information about intelligent design and scientific research challenging Darwinian evolution, visit www.intelligentdesign.org. [Note: For a comprehensive rebuttal to the critics of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, please see: NCSE Exposed at NCSEExposed.org]

Spain Makes a Monkey of Naturalism

Spain’s parliament has taken the dubious first step in support of “our evolutionary comrades” in adopting special rights for apes akin to human rights, the first time any nation has done so. The decision of the Spanish parliament is manifestly the triumph of sentimentality over reason. Although the leftist politicos who supported the ruling no doubt view themselves as enlightened citizens of a scientifically progressive Europe, their emoting and posturing has blinded them to the contradictions entailed by their position.

Victory in Louisiana: Governor Jindal Signs Historic Science Education Act On Evolution and Education

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has signed into law the Louisiana Science Education Act, ensuring the state’s teachers their right to teach the scientific evidence both for and against Darwinian evolution. The bill enjoyed surprisingly overwhelming support from lawmakers. It was passed unanimously by the Louisiana state senate, and pased the state House by a vote of 93-4.Here are some key facts about the new law.

Ben Stein Receives EMA Freedom of Expression Award

[Note: For an extensive defense of Ben Stein’s documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, please see: NCSE Exposed at NCSEExposed.org] Ben Stein was just recognized by the Entertainment Merchants Association for his courageous work in Expelled.From here: EMA’s Freedom of Expression Award, which previously has been presented to George Carlin and the Smothers Brothers, recognizes individuals associated with the home entertainment industry who have spoken out on important political, social, and cultural issues, often at considerable professional risk. EMA champions the First Amendment rights of DVD and video game retailers and their customers by actively opposing legislative proposals that would curtail those rights and filing legal challenges to laws that violate the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression, no matter how Read More ›

Atheist Writer Says Louisiana Science Education Act Promotes Critical Thinking, not Creationism

Self-described atheist writer Jason Streitfeld is calling on his fellow atheists to endorse the Louisiana Science Education Act, which would support teachers who want to promote critical thinking on evolution and other science issues. “The bill is good. The bill is right. The bill should be embraced by atheists and scientists throughout the world,” writes Streitfeld in The American Chronicle. He says that the current approach to science education in America isn’t working, and we need to try something new: The way public schools in America teach science simply isn’t working. Students don’t learn how exciting and dynamic scientific discovery can be. Instead, they memorize (or, at least, they try to memorize) dry facts and formulas. Rarely do they engage Read More ›