Category: Evolution
“Bad Textbooks”: Not Because of Texas, but Despite Texas
In The New York Review of Books, Gail Collins has a piece titled “How Texas Inflicts Bad Textbooks on Us.”
Of Monarchs and Protestors
One of the Emory scientists who led the protest against Ben Carson’s appearance as a commencement speaker has a new paper out that doesn’t help evolution.
What Darwin Would Say If He Could Speak to Us Today: Another Perspective
Darwin came to his ideas not by the evidence but by an a priori ideology that dictated methodological naturalism and philosophical materialism.
For Richard Leakey and So Many Other Darwin Advocates, Evolution Is a Word that Can Mean Anything
This slapdash quality may be one reason that evolution skeptics remain skeptical.
Darwinian-Atheist Michael Ruse Gets a Makeover — Again
Professor Ruse was more adorable when he wasn’t atop his atheist soapbox, prophesying the end of the world.