Category: Neuroscience & Mind
As a Cudgel Against Human Exceptionalism, Researchers Push for Bonobo “Theory of Mind”
Is it true that “recognizing when someone else lacks information” has been thought to be a distinctly human trait?
Cat Versus Baby Intelligence: A Comparison
Cat intelligence is of a rather different kind from dog intelligence (to say nothing of human intelligence).
Dog Versus Baby Intelligence: A Comparison
It’s an odd question because what we should be asking is, “Are kittens and puppies smarter than babies?”
Babies and Language: A Surprise Finding?
Brain and language specialist Eylem Altuntas told us last week that “Babies Learn Language Much Earlier Than We Thought.”
Wild Baboons Fail the Mirror Self-Awareness Test
In a video, it seems clear that not one of the animals recognizes that the figure in the mirror is a reflection of itself.