Category: Science
Praised by Harvard Geneticist George Church and Novelist Dean Koontz, Darwin’s Doubt Is Available for Pre-Order Discount Through Friday, May 31 Only!
Reactions from dust-jacket commenters reflect some very impressive agreement among some very impressive people. What are Darwinists going to say now?
Remember the Human Impact of Prosecutorial Darwinism. Sign the Petition for Eric Hedin!
Casey Luskin was on the Michael Medved Science and Culture Update just now debating the Eric Hedin case with Freedom from Religion Foundation co-president Dan Barker.
Farewell to Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of National Center for Science Education
Regardless of what you think of her work, I respect the fact that she has generally striven to maintain civility in the Darwin debate.
Today on Michael Medved Show, Discovery Institute’s Casey Luskin Will Discuss Ball State Academic Freedom Case
Darwinists claim that an academic "consensus" supports Darwinism against all challenges, including from the theory of intelligent design.
From Discovering Intelligent Design: Opposition from the Scientific Establishment
When trying to understand scientific opposition to ID, people make two common mistakes.