After Getting Waxed In Debate After Debate Shermer Still Doesn’t Get It

Michael Shermer has now written about the debate he had with Stephen Meyer and Richard Sternberg earlier this week. He’s far classier than his debate partner, Donald Prothero, but alas not all that much smarter. His comment here is basically just the same as his rebuttal was at the debate. It didn’t fly then, and it doesn’t fly now. You’d think that with all the discussion going on since the debate that he would have tried to come up with something a little stronger. Please, listen to the debate here. Shermer trotted out the same tired arguments, and Meyer corrected him. He continues to misrepresent the argument made by intelligent design proponents. every ID argument goes like this:

Avi Davis Responds to Donald Prothero on Beverly Hills Debate

After the Darwinists lost the debate in Beverly Hills, Donald Prothero — the man who cites imaginary eighteen-winged dragonflies as evidence for evolution — tried to salvage his reputation by attacking debate moderator Avi Davis for setting up an unfair encounter. As always, thoughtful readers might want to consider listening to the debate and judging themselves who won and just how fair the battle was. Courtesy of the American Freedom Alliance website, you can listen to the entire debate here. As the moderator of the debate, AFA’s Avi Davis responded to Dr. Prothero’s slurs in an email, which he gave us permission to post here at ENV: Dear Professor Prothero: Your posting BELOW on Panda’s Thumb has been forwarded to Read More ›

Commenter Nails the Central Issue in ClimateGate: the Rigging of Peer-Review

The pro-global warming blog Climate Change Denial is spinning like a top. Devastated by the revelation of pervasive fraud in climate science, the warmists are clearly dazed and grasping at any tactics that might salvage their ideological hijacking of science, now laid bare. In their latest post, “Swiftboating the Climate Scientists”, they ignore the transparent scientific misconduct and fraud revealed in the highest eschalons of climate science, and accuse the skeptics of attacking climate science for base ideological motives. The term “swiftboating” alone is risible and actually revealing; warmists are nearly all leftists, still simmering over the implosion of the Kerry/Edwards candidacy. It’s ironic that these “objective” scientists and activists use a left-wing political slur to attack skeptics who demand Read More ›

News Coverage of the California Science Center Lawsuits

WorldNetDaily has been covering the lawsuits filed against the California Science Center by the AFA and Discovery Institute over the cancellation of the pro-intelligent design film Darwin’s Dilemma and the suppression of public documents concerning the Center’s decision: The newest action comes from the Discovery Institute, which is accusing the California Science Center of unlawfully refusing to disclose public documents sought under the California Public Records Act. Discovery officials filed the request for the documentation about the center’s decision-making process when it rejected the video “Darwin’s Dilemma” Oct. 9. The center canceled a contract with the American Freedom Alliance to show the film Oct. 26. The center released 44 pages of documentation Nov. 2 and claimed “no documents have been Read More ›

Jerry Coyne: “Atheists Have Been Humble for Centuries”–If You Don’t Count the Last Three

Sometimes Jerry Coyne makes me spray my coffee. This gem from a post of his on detente in the new atheist-theist wars: Atheists have been “humble” for centuries (who was more humble than Spinoza?) and it hasn’t gotten us anywhere. It’s that crop of new atheist books that have finally created a climate in which atheists need not feel like pariahs… Humble? Atheism’s first assumption of power at the level of the nation-state was in the French Revolution. “Humility” doesn’t do justice to the carnage wrought by French atheism-in-power, nor to the Napoleonic wars and millions of dead that followed in the ensuing decades of “atheist humility.” In the 19th century “atheist humility” incubated in the minds of men like Read More ›