Tag: Alexander Oparin
Consciousness BEFORE Life? These Scientists Say Yes
One key way life differs from non-life is that life forms have goals. For example, the amoeba seeks to protect itself.
The “Clumping” Problem and the Origin of Life
In the 1970s, biochemist Sidney Fox and colleagues believed they had uncovered primitive cell membrane-like structures called protenoid microspheres.
All Living Systems Must Process Energy, Store and Utilize Information, and Replicate
Louis Pasteur showed that what appeared to be life springing forth from nonliving matter was actually life emerging from exceedingly small living organisms.
Considering “Abiogenesis,” an Imaginary Term in Science
In the 17th century, medical pioneer Sir William Harvey and Italian scientist Francesco Redi both proved the untenability of spontaneous generation.
Myths, Monsters, and Life’s Elusive First Step
The notion that the building blocks of life were easily gotten may have seemed intuitive to journalists and others acquainted with Mary Shelley’s novel.