Tag: anti-science
Adult Stem-Cell Cure for HIV?
A “consensus science” that seeks to stifle open scientific inquiry and heterodox advocacy harms the scientific quest for truth.
Stifling Opposition Is the Real “Anti-Science”
In the Great Barrington Declaration, three noted epidemiologists questioned the wisdom of societal shutdowns and keeping children out of school.
Douglas Axe: We Have an Eye For Detecting Design
“Either you’re with us and on board on these issues or you are anti-science. That is a very unhelpful position for scientists to be taking.”
Martin Luther King’s Powerful Critique of Scientific Racism, Scientific Materialism
Dr. King was critical of the misuse of science to promote racial discrimination, and he spoke against the idea that humans are the products of a blind process.
Listen: Demonizers and Dehumanizers
John West urges supporters of vaccinations to meet the other side not with insults but with reasoned discourse and scientific evidence.