Tag: Asa Gray
Exposing the Heart of Neo-Darwinism
At complete rest, for your organs and tissues to work properly, your heart must pump out about five liters of blood per minute.
With “Fluctuating” Convictions, Darwin Faced a Threefold Challenge
In what follows I pose the question of how Darwin fell subject to such wide “fluctuations” in his beliefs and how he came to resolve those tensions.
Does the World Need Another Book About Darwin?
We need to let Darwin speak for himself. It turns out that Darwin, given the opportunity, is quite capable of dismantling his own mythology.
A Debate on the “Randomness” of Mutation
The historical wellspring of randomness in evolutionary theory is Darwin’s own insistence on “chance” at the causal foundations of life.
Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, and Intelligent Design
Given Lincoln’s acknowledgment of the evidence of design in nature, he would be banned from expressing his views on evolution in most public schools today.