Tag: Australopithecus afarensis
Examining “Professor Dave’s” Absurd Attack on Casey Luskin
The attack on Luskin is the most ludicrous part of the non-professor’s video, with Farina claiming at one point that Luskin perpetrated “a criminal offense.”
#4 Story of 2021: Human Origins Research Is a Big Mess
Considering the number of fossils attributed to the human lineage, an absence of such fossils for the great African ape lineages raises an obvious suspicion.
Scientists Conclude: Human Origins Research Is a Big Mess
Considering the number of fossils attributed to the human lineage, an absence of such fossils for the great African ape lineages raises an obvious suspicion.
A Disappointing Decade for the Study of Human Evolution
Perhaps in ten years we’ll be having this conversation again — and perhaps at that time the Smithsonian Institution will give us all a more objective analysis of the evidence.
Neo-Darwinism and the Big Bang of Man’s Origin
Proponents of the ruling theory tell us that we are all undoubtedly intelligent enough to fully grasp their theory, as long as we concur with it.