Tag: BBC
Can Dogs Feel Guilty?
Dog expert Zazie Todd says no; when assessing dog emotions, we should think more simply.
Fossil Friday: Darwinius, or How Wishful Thinking Makes a Missing Link
The media campaign lead to headlines that were not content with calling the fossil a missing link but simply “THE link” or “the eighth wonder of the world.”
What Is It Like to Be a Bee?
What, exactly, does “consciousness” or “feel and think” mean when applied to a bee? This usage is no remote outpost.
Darwin, Lyell, and a Tale of Two Faiths
Darwin found himself in the unhappy position of having his faith undermined by what he saw as the non-directed processes of geological and biological evolution.
Evolutionary Imagination and Belief Drive False Claims of a “Four-Legged Whale”
Perhaps this organism had four legs. Perhaps it had flippers. Perhaps it was closely related to whales. Perhaps it has nothing to do with whales.