Tag: Big Tech
Big Tech Wants to Control the Future; Here’s What We Can Do About That
According to the Party slogan, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
Luskin at The Federalist — Freedom Is Threatened; Now Will You Listen?
Critics of Darwinian theory have faced exactly such a campaign — not just recently but going back a couple of decades.
Automated Driving and Other Failures of AI
It would be interesting to see what fully automated driving would look like in a place like Moldova.
In the Name of “Academic Freedom,” a Scientist Calls for Punishing Creationists
The practice has a sordid history. There’s always a rationale — for example, in labeling Israeli businesses, or those doing business with Israel, to be avoided.
Thanks to the Sacrifices of Many, There’s Talk of Censoring Us
While heroes of the U.S. Armed Forces have given their lives, the scholars who critique scientific atheism and advance the theory of ID offer of themselves in different ways.