Tag: bones
Doctor’s Diary: No Such Thing as a Coincidence
I find coincidences everywhere I look, all the time. Consider a simple blade of grass. One could write a long treatise about the simultaneous goings-on therein.
Fossil Friday: Piltdown Lizard Was Too Good to Check
It was considered to be “one of the oldest fossil reptiles and one of the very few skeletal specimens with evidence of soft tissue preservation.”
The Incredible Design of Muscles
At the very least, on the supposition of intelligent design, the existence of muscles is not particularly surprising.
Try to Write Instructions for a Femur; Go On, Just Try
Professor Behe invites us to join him for a sobering thought experiment: attempting to build an instruction manual for a human femur bone.
New on YouTube: Michael Behe Unravels the Mystery of Biological Information — And the Marvel of Bones
The question posed by considering evolutionary theory versus intelligent design is whether a marvel like the femur could have arisen by chance-driven processes.