Tag: C.S. Lewis
How Darwinism Dodges the Iceberg
When I viewed the stranded vessel in 1992 it looked remarkably well preserved, but of course functionally it was a mere “zombie” craft.
The Magician’s Twin: A Conversation with Stephen Meyer, James Orr, and David Berlinski
Citing C. S. Lewis, Dr. Meyer calls the drama of materialism’s unravelling a kind “repentance.”
C. S. Lewis on the Unique Gullibility of the Elites, and More: John West in Conversation with Eric Metaxas
A theme in the interview is the dubious role of elites, who stand out for their readiness to surrender their critical faculties when Science Says to do so.
C. S. Lewis on Natural Selection’s Power, or Lack of It
What were C. S. Lewis’s real views on evolution and intelligent design? Dr. John West explores the topic.
Thus Saith the Science: Recalling the Wisdom of C. S. Lewis on His 125th Birthday
Here, I conclude a conversation with Dr. John West about Lewis’s prophetic warnings to us about science and scientism.