Tag: chemical evolution
“Beyond Evolution”: Where James Tour and Stephen Meyer Disagree
When you plant an inert, seemingly dead thing — a seed — in the ground, and it grows to be a flower, what has just happened? Life has happened. But why?
Fact Check: A “Monumental” Breakthrough in Understanding Life’s Origin?
The lauding of Gerald Joyce’s research is pure hype. His results only further demonstrate the absolute necessity of intelligent agency.
Astrophysicist: “We Do Not Yet Know How, Where, or Why Life First Appeared”
It’s good to find another scientist — with no connections to intelligent design — who sees the issue so clearly.
A Few Thoughts on the Cronin-Tour Debate
Under the theory of an unguided process of chemical and biological evolution, should a threshold of complexity, clearly identifying life, be expected?
New Long Story Short Video Examines Information and the Origin of Life
Does the required information for life come from purely natural processes, or from an intelligent mind?