Tag: Conference on Engineering in Living Systems
Is It Becoming Acceptable to Speak of Biological Systems and Processes in Terms of Design?
In this example, think of the Darwinese as packing peanuts that can be removed to get to the important items inside.
Systems Biology Cracks Life’s Engineered Intricacies — A Report from CELS
The cherished evolutionary story of whales’ “vestigial” pelvic bones joins the growing pile of discredited icons of evolution.
An Outstanding Year for Intelligent Design
I saw on multiple occasions the impact the truth about design can make in individual lives. Recently at U.C. Berkeley, I spoke about the evidence for a Creator.
Intelligence Metrics: Measuring the Degree of Intelligence in Design
I had the privilege of speaking on intelligence metrics. Here are my slides. I hope soon to develop this talk into a proper peer-reviewed paper.
Engineering and Evolution in the Microbial World
This year’s Conference on Engineering in Living Systems (CELS) is going on right now, exploring design principles at work in living things.