Tag: consciousness
Scientists Ask: Does the Soul Survive Death?
Gradually, medical findings about what happens to the mind around the time of death are undermining assumptions that the soul dies with the body.
Split-Brain Research Confirms Unity of the Human Mind
The NOVA special’s claim is, “The split brain phenomenon suggests that there can be two separated minds, if you will, inside of a skull.”
We’ve Discovered “Covert Consciousness” — But Now What?
Creighton University Medical School prof Charles Camosy thinks it is time for something like a civil rights movement for people in this state.
A Quarter of Comatose Patients May Be Aware But Unable to Communicate
“Covertly” means that the patients were not able to respond directly but brain activity showed that they understood what was asked of them.
Biophysicist Proposes “Spiritual Particle”
It has, Douglas Youvan suggests, a dual nature, interacting with both matter and consciousness.