Tag: conservatives
We Need the Grim Good of Animal Research
Scientists researching gene therapy as a potential future therapy have succeeded in restoring feeling to paralyzed rats.
Darwin’s Pediatricians
So-called Darwinian medicine has increased in popularity, though the way physicians and researchers choose to apply their Darwinism varies.
With Concerns about Darwinist Racialism in Mind, National Review Cleans House
Robert Weissberg is someone I was not familiar with. I’ve just taken a moment to catch up a bit with some of his foul associations.
Seeking an Official Definition of “Randomness”: A Reply to Jay Richards
How do we tell exactly what the scientific theory of evolution is? There is no axiomatized presentation emblazoned on the walls of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science.
Glenn Reynolds: For More Skepticism on Science, Not Less
“The very core of the scientific method is supposed to be skepticism.”