Tag: coronavirus
More Unnatural Naturalism, and More Confusion from Naturalists
Honeybees and cells have a limited set of options that are programmed into their genomes.
Dembski: If COVID-19 Was Designed in a Lab, Here’s How the Designers Might Cover Their Tracks
William Dembski offers insightful analysis about how we could go about determining whether the virus was designed.
The Tragedy of Eukaryote Evolution
Think of all the frustrated longings, misunderstandings, jealousy, and more entailed by the fact that males and females constitute separate genders.
#4 Story of 2020: Evolution, Design, and COVID-19
The waves may be huge and the surface roiling, but the deeper waters continue as they always have, essentially undisturbed.
#5 Story of 2020: Coronavirus, Intelligent Design, and Evolution
The measures being taken against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic owe nothing to evolutionary theory.