Tag: Darrel Falk
From a Theistic Evolutionist, Long-Ago Answered Critiques of Stephen Meyer’s Book
Scott Buchanan’s review is now being recirculated because of the positive attention that Meyer has received from his recent Piers Morgan interview.
Concluding Thoughts on “Gracious Dialogue” with BioLogos
What a peculiar thing to do. You invite someone for a “dialogue” and then, only once he’s left the building, do you start debating with him.
“Fin-To-Limb” Paper Shows Destructive Nature of “Evo-Devo” Mutations
Because of the “dysmorphic” phenotype from a homozygous genotype, these mutant genes would be highly unlikely to become fixed in a population.
Revealing Darrel Falk’s Overstatements about Limb Bones in Fish Fins
The interpretation of the results as showing “latent” genetic capabilities has teleological overtones that are compatible with intelligent design.
“This Is Not Your Father’s Creationism”: Atheist Michael Shermer Meets Stephen Meyer
Every cosmology either has theistic implications, or ends up wrecking the basis for rational scientific investigation of nature.