Tag: Darwin’s Doubt
Recognizing the “Transformative” Impact of Barzun’s Darwin, Marx, Wagner, Eighty Years Later
Literary critic M. D. Aeschliman sketches the intellectual evolution that connects Barzun with later Darwin critics. The latest is Stephen Meyer.
Did the Origin of Animals Require New Genes?
Materialists who purport to explain the origin of nature’s complexity by smuggling in information unwittingly demonstrate the need for intelligent design.
The Cambrian Explosion Has Just Gone Nuclear
Here are two very interesting updates to my recent articles on alleged Ediacaran animals and the Cambrian Explosion.
Stephen Meyer: Why You Should Pre-Order Return of the God Hypothesis Now
By enlarging his scope to include the origin of the universe, Meyer reveals why science confirms not merely a generic design in nature but a personal God.
Resurrecting Namacalathus as an Ediacaran Animal
The new fossils stem from a layer in the Nama Group of Namibia, just below an ash bed that could be radiometrically dated to 547.32 ± 0.65 million years.