Tag: David Abel
Peer-Reviewed Paper Argues that the Origin of Life Required “Purposeful Choices”
What is it that distinguishes life from non-living entities?
Evolutionary Psychology Meets Economics 101
In an effort to show that “evolution” has vast explanatory power, David Barash refers to a survey of graduate students in public health at Harvard.
Materialists Beware: The First Gene Defends a Strictly Scientific, Non-Materialist Conception of Biological Origins
Can a book that is essentially devoid of the term “intelligent design,” doesn’t talk about “specified complexity,” and makes only scant mention of “irreducible complexity,” offer an argument that is friendly to teleology in biology? A new technical book, The First Gene, edited by Gene Emergence Project director David L. Abel, shows that the answer to that question is “yes.” Materialists will not like this book because its arguments are 100% scientific, devoid of religious, political, or cultural concerns, and most importantly, compelling. The arguments in The First Gene are rooted in what Abel calls “ProtoBioSemiotics” or “ProtoBioCybernetics,” which according to Abel answers questions like: How did a prebiotic natural environment of mere mass/energy interactions generate meaningful, functional messages? How Read More ›
North Carolina Faces Legacy of Forced Sterilization as Hollywood Releases New Film Alleged Dramatizing Impact of Eugenics in the South
As North Carolina grapples with its legacy of forced sterilization, a new feature-length film dramatizes the personal toll of eugenics as well as its connection with Darwinism.
New Peer-Reviewed Paper Demolishes Fallacious Objection: “Aren’t There Vast Eons of Time for Evolution?”
When debating intelligent design (ID), there are countless times I’ve heard the old objection, “But aren’t there millions of years for Darwinian evolution?” Perhaps there are, but that doesn’t mean the Darwinian mechanism has sufficient opportunities to produce the observed complexity found in life. Darwin put forward a falsifiable theory, stating that his mechanism must work by “numerous successive slight modifications.” Michael Behe took Darwin at his word, and argued in Darwin’s Black Box that irreducible complexity refuted Darwinian evolution because there exist complex structures that cannot be built in such a stepwise manner. Darwin’s latter day defenders responded to Behe by effectively putting Darwinism into an unfalsifiable position: they put forth wildly speculative and unlikely appeals to indirect evolution. Read More ›