Tag: Disney
Alfred Wallace and the Impact of Labor on Evolutionary Theory
The two founders of evolutionary theory, Wallace and Darwin, came from very different backgrounds.
Humans and Fungi: In Wish, Disney Goes to War on Human Exceptionalism
Dismantling the discontinuity of humans with nature is the goal of a cheery, innocent-sounding Disney song.
For Labor Day: Alfred Russel Wallace, Scientist and Working Man
This year, 2023, marks the bicentennial of the birth of Alfred Russel Wallace, co-founder with Charles Darwin of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Fossil Friday: Purgatorius and the Abrupt Origin of Primates
Primates not only appeared suddenly, but their different subgroups of lemurs, tarsier, and simians all appeared at about the same time.
For Labor Day: Alfred Russel Wallace, Scientist and Working Man
Take a moment to consider the impact of labor on the development of evolutionary theory.