Tag: DNA
RNA as Cells’ “Text Messaging” System
Some researchers wonder if RNA can be understood as a common language that can be read among cells of widely different life forms.
Is the Human Shoulder Badly Designed?
Watch an acrobat performing on the parallel bars. Or a baseball player pitching a fastball. Or an athlete swimming the butterfly.
Atheist on the Ropes: Piers Morgan Confronts Richard Dawkins About ID and Stephen Meyer
There’s something wonderful about watching Dawkins being compelled to watch Stephen Meyer and then being obliged to respond.
Why Evolution Struggles to Explain the Transition to Multicellularity
It is as if evolutionary biologists don’t take death into account. All their theories seem to work like magic.
The Extracellular Space: Where the Rest of Life Takes Place
“Zooming out from a single cell, the human body as a whole is made up of around thirty trillion cells.”