Tag: engineers
Beyond Evolutionary Fitness, Mammals Are Ecosystem Engineers
When animals give back more than they take, does that fit the model of selfishness that Darwinism promotes?
Fleshing Out a Theory of Biological Design
Steve Laufmann and Michael Egnor explore these and other insights at the intersection of biology and engineering.
A Neurosurgeon and an Engineer Explore Your Body’s Intelligent Design
Dr. Michael Egnor makes the surprising confession that his medical library is full of engineering texts.
Your Designed Respiratory System: Causal Circularities and Irreducible Complexities
There are individual systems that are irreducibly complex, and these are joined together into a higher-level system of systems.
The Human Body Handles Its Supply Chain Beautifully. Why Can’t Humans Do the Same?
We’ve lived for a couple of years now with the supply chain disaster, generated by COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates.