Tag: events
"Should Christians Embrace Darwin?" An Evening with Karl Giberson and Stephen Meyer
I’m just back from a busy speaking trip with Steve Meyer and thought I would give a quick recap of one event, in Richmond, Virginia.
Will The American Spectator Publish My Comment Defending Stephen Meyer and Darwin’s Doubt?
Before sharing my comment, I’ll recount some perhaps relevant background.
Advance the Future of ID: Join Us in Publicizing Discovery Institute’s Summer Seminar on Intelligent Design
This is my personal appeal to readers to help get out the word about an important event this summer. Let a college or grad student know about an opportunity they’ll never forget!
The Ham-Nye Creation Debate: A Huge Missed Opportunity
After watching Tuesday night’s debate, I was reminded of what attracted me in the first place to the approach to investigating origins represented by the theory of intelligent design.
Stephen Meyer on Tomorrow’s Ham-Nye Debate
“It’s a plus because it generates interest in the topic. It’s a minus because it inhibits an understanding of the complexity of the issue.”