Tag: evolutionary theory
New Study Triggers Key Origin of Life Questions
The leap from non-life to life represents a huge jump in complexity and information, one that cannot be explained by reference to a stepwise, gradual process.
New Book Makes the Catholic Case for Intelligent Design
Fr. Martin Hilbert explains why the theory of intelligent design, rightly understood, harmonizes perfectly with the Catholic theological tradition.
Is the Human Eye Really Evidence Against Intelligent Design?
Good empirical science searches for explanations that fit the evidence. But another kind of “science” is committed to telling stories about unguided evolution.
Were We Made to Make Black Holes?
I want to compare our book with a 2020 paper by Jeffery Shainline of the National Institutes of Standards and Technology.
What Ever Happened to Darwin’s Big Book?
Why didn’t Darwin publish the evidence for his momentous theory? And why was his thesis hailed as one of the greatest ideas in science despite that fact?