Tag: explosions
Fossil Friday: Discontinuities in the Fossil Record — A Problem for Neo-Darwinism
The fossil record generally documents a discontinuous history of life with sudden appearances of new body plans and new forms of life in saltational events.
Fossil Friday: The Devonian Nekton Revolution
Such explosions and revolutions dominate the history of life, which was rather a series of abrupt saltations than the gradual change predicted by Darwinism.
“Darwin’s Nightmare”: First Episode of YouTube Series with Lukas Ruegger
Relatively brief videos have emerged as one of the most dynamic and influential forms of education out there.
Debunked Transitional Fossils Are the Tip of the Iceberg
Darwinian evolution predicts a gradually branching tree of living forms, with one form shading into another over long periods of evolution.
Luskin: The Dead Talk Back to Darwin
The “dreadful beasts, grinning knowingly,” have a message for evolutionists: “no further in this direction!”