Tag: form
A Closer Look at Natural Law
The property of a keen sense of smell allows a polar bear to smell a seal miles away under the ice.
A Paradigm Crisis for Physicalism
This crisis has converged with two other currents of change with the surprising result that alternatives to physicalism are now taken seriously.
Try to Write Instructions for a Femur; Go On, Just Try
Professor Behe invites us to join him for a sobering thought experiment: attempting to build an instruction manual for a human femur bone.
Replacing Chemistry with Purpose
The core argument of neo-Darwinism is, simply, that evolution, and life on Earth, are the result of random, aka, purposeless chemical reactions.
Peer-Reviewed Paper Answers Claims of “Bad Design” of the Human Foot/Ankle
Many who have studied the foot recognized its “excellent design.” Leonardo da Vinci called the human foot “a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”