Tag: Frederick Douglass
From Political Scientist John West: Intelligent Design’s Reverse Chameleon-ism
Our colleague John West has a handsome new website with many useful features, but I was particularly intrigued by the section headed, “Something Personal.”
Aeschliman: The Charles Darwin/John Brown Connection
The year 1859, when Darwin changed the course of science and when John Brown rebelled and died, was a profound historical turning point.
Frederick Douglass, Champion Abolitionist and Former Slave, on Evolutionary Racism
One wonders what kind of address Douglass would give on Darwin Day — falling tomorrow, February 12 — amidst Black History Month.
That Hideous Strength — C. S. Lewis’s Fantasia of Consciousness at 75
The novel is a narrative, fictional version of a philosophical anatomy of the satanic dimension and implication of much modern history from 1914 onwards.