Tag: genetic code
Circular Reasoning in Origin of Life Research: Insights from a Recent Study on the Genetic Code
This study compared sequences of proteins in modern organisms to reconstruct ancestral proteins believed to reside in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
Dark Proteome Information Content Skyrockets
There could be a five-fold increase in the number of proteins coded in what was formerly called non-protein-coding DNA.
Study Finds Life’s Origin “Required a Surprisingly Short Interval of Geologic Time”
It’s certainly not impossible that life was already present on Earth at 4.2 Ga. And if it were true it would have intriguing implications.
New Paper Argues that Variant Genetic Codes Are Best Explained by Common Design
A popular argument for a universal common ancestor is the near-universality of the conventional genetic code.
Synergies All the Way Down
Examples of synergy cited by Peter Corning include multicellularity; sexual reproduction; emperor penguins huddling together for warmth.