Tag: genetics
Eric Metaxas on Canaanite DNA and “Fake News”
When ideologies reign, one of the first victims, invariably, is truth. The narrative is supreme, and it deforms how information is interpreted.
For Culturally Illiterate Science Reporters, Canaanite DNA Yields Occasion to Slap Bible Around
The science story itself is fascinating and to all appearances solid. How will they spin it?
Zombie Science: Four-Winged Fruit Fly, Eighteen-Winged Dragonfly — Two Hardy Evolutionary Icons
In a new video conversation, Dr. Wells recounts the progress of a lab experiment and its transformation in the hands of Darwin apologists.
No, Your Dog Is Not a Barking Exemplar of Macroevolution
They are yet another evolutionary icon that Jonathan Wells, perhaps in his next book, could handily leash and take for a walk.
More on Octopus RNA Editing — A Problem for Neo-Darwinism
A friend asks if this phenomenon is an example of Lamarckism.