Tag: gnosticism
Nature Worship Advances as Human Dignity Retreats
The dead body has value because the human person does. How we treat our dead reflects our views on what we think about the living.
Attempts to Reconcile Evolutionary Theory with Christianity Lead to Intractable Tensions
The fundamental premise of evolutionary theory is that humans are the product of an undirected process that did not have us in mind.
Debate Over Design in the Early Church Is Eerily Current
The early Christians debated the Greco-Roman materialists but also the religious Gnostics of their day.
West: Theistic Evolution and the Gnostic Heresy
Friendliness to a design perspective might seem to be natural for any theist. Yet a prickly disdain is strangely common, especially among religious academics.
What Are Science and Faith — And Are They Compatible?
Atheists might say that if Christian scientists understood the full implications of science, they would see that their Christian faith is unsustainable.