Tag: Great Minds with Michael Medved
Debate About the God Hypothesis: An Overview with Stephen Meyer
Stephen Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis is out now in paperback with a new epilogue by Dr. Meyer responding to critics.
Great Minds: How Darwinism and AI Are Oversold, Often at the Same Time
The Center for Science & Culture and the Bradley Center for Natural & Artificial Intelligence share more than the commonality of being sponsored by Discovery Institute.
Great Minds: Medved, Gelernter Ask, “What Is a Conservative?”
The hypothesis of design in nature is a great idea, none greater, that has fueled the best in culture for millennia.
Great Minds: Marks, Medved on Human Exceptionalism’s Two Frontiers
There are fundamental, unbridgeable chasms on either side, animal and machine. The capacity for creativity, for one thing, stands permanently outside the reach of algorithms.
Great Minds: Robert Marks, Michael Medved on the Limits of Computation
There’s no danger of computers ruling us, but there is a peril in employing them to greatly magnify the impact of our own errors.