Tag: Gregor Mendel
Mendel’s Peas and More: Inferring Data Falsification in Science
What keeps scientific fraud in check is our ability to detect it, and it’s the design inference that does the detecting.
Listen: Mendel vs. Darwin
Unfortunately, acceptance of Darwinism hindered acceptance of Gregor Mendel’s great insights.
Darwinian Influences on the Alt-Right
The overlapping categories of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and alt-right proponents regularly invoke Darwinism.
From Cosmos: Possible Worlds — “Most Plausible” Creation Myths
Dr. Tyson’s imagination wanders from Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, to the Cambrian explosion.
New Cosmos Episodes: Only Part of the Story
These episodes will slip in smoothly in public school science classrooms, someday when all the schools reopen.