Tag: H. Allen Orr
Hello, Stuart Kauffman
Kauffman is one of the more interesting participants in the debates about the nature of life.
Co-Option and Protein Homology Don’t Explain the Evolution of the Flagellum
Rope Kojonen wants to join “design and evolution,” but only by setting aside some of the main features of the flagellum.
#7 Story of 2021: Jordan Peterson Discovers the God Hypothesis
It’s refreshing to see such intellectual humility from a figure with Peterson’s status. But not all his followers were thrilled.
Jordan Peterson Discovers the God Hypothesis
It’s refreshing to see such intellectual humility from a figure with Peterson’s status. But not all his followers were thrilled.
Philosophical-ish Objections to Intelligent Design: A Response to Paul Draper
Recently I was asked by several people whether I had ever responded to an old review of my book Darwin’s Black Box.