Tag: HIV
Former CDC Director: What Worked, What Didn’t, with Covid
Wesley J. Smith interviewed Robert R. Redfield on the public health disasters brought on by Covid and the reasons for the loss of trust in public health.
Adult Stem-Cell Cure for HIV?
A “consensus science” that seeks to stifle open scientific inquiry and heterodox advocacy harms the scientific quest for truth.
Answering Farina on Behe’s Work: The Edge of Evolution
I wonder whether Farina has in fact read Behe’s book for himself, or whether he is relying upon others, such as Nathan Lents.
Manipulating Molecules: Combining Info + Nano for Better Medicine
“Oscar Wilde said nature imitates art,” Meyer said. And today we’re going to see that “technology is able to imitate and even in some ways, improve on nature.”
Erika DeBenedictis and the Cost of Playing God
I won’t recap the splendid work Emily Reeves has already done here in dissecting the TEDx talk from a scientific angle.