Tag: Kindle
Intelligent Design Made Relatable: New Young Adult Novel from Discovery Institute Press
The novel tells the story of Isaac, whose father died young. Why did he die? Isaac’s older cousin Charlie — a science teacher — says he knows why.
Darwin’s Bluff Is a Number 1 New Release on Amazon!
Charles Darwin seems never to have been with honest with himself about the fact that his big book about the actual evidence for his theory could not be written.
Fundamentals Friday: The Logic of Intelligent Design
Stephen Meyer and other proponents of intelligent design theory are often accused of committing the “God of the gaps” fallacy.
Why Evolutionary Biologists Are “Fatigued” by Darwin
Says Stephen Meyer, “The neo-Darwinian math is itself showing that the neo-Darwinian mechanism cannot build complex adaptations.”
Michael Behe: Kafka in Dover, Pennsylvania
Behe concludes here, “Courts are not good places to discuss ideas.” Yet ID critics continue to cite the Dover case as scientific gospel.