Tag: language
Berlinski Banters Entertainingly with ID-Friendly Muslims
Dr. Berlinski questions evolutionary understandings of language and expresses doubt as to what reproductive benefit could have accrued to “the first guy to master the Greek subjunctive.”
The Dam Begins to Break: Gelernter’s Apostasy Attracts Mainstream Media Coverage
Yale computer scientist Dave Gelernter’s recent public admission that he’s giving up Darwin continues to make waves.
More on Animals and Their “Reasoning”
Whether your dog can philosophize is not a puzzle you need to look to the Oxford English Dictionary to resolve.
Why Darwinism Can Never Separate Itself from Racism
You think if Darwinian theory had emerged not in the dark age of the 19th century but in our own woke era, it would be different? No, it wouldn’t.
Egnor: A Couple of Problems with Ape “Spirituality”
The wish to demote, punish, and degrade ourselves this way, a neurosis special to our modern culture, is itself, ironically, a tribute to human exceptionalism.