Tag: lncRNAs
Reflections on Casey Luskin’s Debate with “Dr. Dan”
I commend Dr. Dan for being an amicable dialogue partner and for his good faith attempt to engage substantively with the relevant scientific issues.
Roundup of Functions for “Junk DNA” Supports the New RNA Gene Paradigm
The junk DNA paradigm may have caused us to miss the precise DNA that helps makes a species unique.
Peer-Reviewed Paper Reviews Ten “Anomalies” that Contradict the Junk DNA Paradigm
John Mattick uses the language of historian of science Thomas Kuhn to predict that we are witnessing a “paradigm shift” away from the concept of junk DNA.
#2 Story of 2021: Caltech Finds Amazing Role for Noncoding DNA
There’s more function in the “junk” than imagined. Caltech finds a significant role: maintaining territories and compartments, and guiding components.
Caltech Finds Amazing Role for Noncoding DNA
There’s more function in the “junk” than imagined. Caltech finds a significant role: maintaining territories and compartments, and guiding components.