Tag: Long Story Short
New “Long Story Short” Video Addresses Challenges from Junk DNA Defenders
Of course, die-hard evolution defenders were not going to take these major shifts in thinking about “junk DNA” sitting down.
New “Long Story” Short: “ERVs, Pseudogenes, & Onions”
Intelligent design is a “science stopper”? It “makes people stupid”? These are among the claims of some smart scientists who ought to know better.
Let’s Throw Mathematical Light on the Origin of Life
If researchers really were making progress, wouldn’t that mean they would be converging on the same truth? Yet they are not.
Our View of Nature Matters; Here’s Why
I was standing amidst the ruins of the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat near the German-Austrian border, where some of the worst atrocities in history were planned.
Equip Students with the Truth About Evolution
Do you know what young people are learning about their origins and place in the universe?