Tag: Lucy
Fossil Friday: To Be or Not to Be Homo
The fossil hominin Homo habilis was described 1964 by Louis Leakey and his colleagues from the 1.9 million year old Olduvai Gorge locality in Tanzania.
Australopithecines and Retroactive Confessions of Ignorance
If a few teeth of intermediate size and shape make “the most complete chain of human evolution,” then the evidence for human evolution must be quite modest.
Examining “Professor Dave’s” Absurd Attack on Casey Luskin
The attack on Luskin is the most ludicrous part of the non-professor’s video, with Farina claiming at one point that Luskin perpetrated “a criminal offense.”
Evolution Theater: Smithsonian Whitewashes Human Origins
The museum makes a big deal of Lucy. Their portrayal has many more bones than the original!
Traditional or Not? Assessing William Lane Craig’s Model on Adam and Eve
I’m having trouble making sense of exactly what his model holds. And it seems I’m not alone.