Tag: Marcos Eberlin
The End of the Machine Metaphor?
Rather than purpose deriving from a purposeless process like natural selection, natural selection can only occur when life itself is the result of purpose.
No. 2 Story of 2024: Darwinists Devolve
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species.
Why Evolution Struggles to Explain the Transition to Multicellularity
It is as if evolutionary biologists don’t take death into account. All their theories seem to work like magic.
Building a Better Definition of Intelligent Design
Definitional change in science is par for the course: As paradigms shift because of scientific advances, textbook definitions change.
Understanding “Reductionism” and Intelligent Design
The word “reductionism” is thrown around a lot, but it can mean several different things.