Tag: Michael Keas
Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design — Unique Opportunity for the Sincerely Curious Learner
Recently I spoke to a university senior who is a leader in a political club at her school. I wondered how things were going for the club.
Unbelievable — ET and the Futuristic Myth of a Material God
Here is a myth that comes not from the past but from the future.
Science Historian Michael Keas: Let’s Not Compound the Tragedy of Giordano Bruno
The medieval idea of burning people because of their religious beliefs is horrific, but it only adds to the tragedy to say Bruno’s death illustrates the warfare between faith and science.
Listen: Did Galileo Prove the Catholic Church’s Irrational Opposition to Science?
There’s plenty here for both scientists and theologians to learn — as well as anyone who thinks Galileo shows the Church was at war against science.
Flat Earth Myth: A Favorite with ID Critics
Professor Jerry Coyne, for one, says that HarperCollins, publisher of Michael Behe’s forthcoming book, “should be ashamed at [sic] itself for publishing the biology equivalent of flat-Earthism.”